Celebrate Earth Day – 360 Eco-Friendly Vodka

360 vodka eco

There are so many vodka brands these days that it's difficult to keep track of which one to select when you are at the upscale lounge or grocery store. Although profits for a business are nice…and very much necessary, it's refreshing when you hear of a company that is making a conscious effort to do good for the environment and earth. I was introduced to 360 Vodka at a party I attended last year in San Francisco, and their motto really stuck with me…Celebrate Earth Day 360 Days a Year. It'd be nice to celebrate the other remaining 5 days too, but 360 would be a heck of a fantastic start for most, well all people. 360 Vodka was the first true eco-friendly premium vodka in the spirits market and they truly walk the talk…no green washing here. In addition to their signature 360 Vodka, they also have Cola and Double Chocolate flavors.

360 vodka earth day

360 Vodka's efforts to contribute to a greener environment include:

Recycling Efforts –

In 2007, 167 tons of material was recycled from our day-to-day operations which included PET, glass, packaging components, metals, electronics, and paper. In addition, an on-site recycling co-op & drop off center has been established at our Weston Facility for employees home recycling efforts. The program was launched in December of 2007 and has been well received with 88% employee participation.

Paper Reduction Activities –

The following activities have been implemented to reduce paper consumption: document imaging, electronic invoicing, electronic order confirmation, desk-side paper recycling bins, office paper 30% pcw, double-side printing, tag outbound email with an environmental notification to consider the environment before printing, a multi media conference room designed for teleconference communications & projector accessibility to reduce handouts and conference materials. Efforts are underway to opt out of unwanted fax and junk mail.

Green Power - 

In 2007, the company purchased renewable energy certificates to offset electricity and natural gas consumption for three years at our Weston facility. In addition, biodiesel fuel is purchased for on-site maintenance equipment and shuttle truck operations.

Green Purchasing - 

Employees purchasing supplies on behalf of the company have been advised to purchase goods and services with a green state of mind. For example, MRO/Office supplies (CFL bulbs, environmental friendly cleaning products, electronics with "energy star" rating, business cards 100% pcw, monthly planners/writing tablets 100% recycled product/soy inks & cover 30% post-consumer fiber, packaging materials, taste cups, etc.)

Employee Participation - 

McCormick has assembled a "Green Group" whose task is to improve environmental performance, increase operating efficiencies thereby saving energy and heighten employee awareness and conservation. Recycling bulletin boards are posted with up to date information regarding recycling efforts, green sense, FAQ's and McCormick's recycling newsletter. CFL bulbs were distributed to all on-site employees to promote "green" living practices.

Forest 360

McCormick, with the assistance of the Missouri Department of Conservation, launched FOREST 360, an effort to plant indigenous trees on 40 acres of the land around the distillery. It is estimated that one tree absorbs 2,000 lbs of C02 in its lifetime and planting the trees will help cut down on carbon dioxide emissions that contribute to global warming. In addition, McCormick has invited their business partners to participate in this project. The response has been favorable and McCormick would like to acknowledge with gratitude and appreciation the support of their business partners for a greener tomorrow.

For more information on 360 Eco-Friendly Vodka visit HERE

For 360 Vodka Drink Recipes

Simple Ways You can GO GREEN



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