Here is a feature we did on a delectably-sweet soiree at SF Chefs 2010. Lucky for you, SF Chefs 2011 event tickets just recently went on sale and this year's events are looking even tastier than ever (is that really possible). Don't miss out on San Francisco's premier food festival and celebration- SF Chefs 2011.
Saturday afternoon at SF Chefs 2010 was all about satisfying sweet temptations at the Westin St. Francis. A collection of the most impressive pastry chefs in San Francisco collaborated with local ice cream makers Bi-Rite Creamery, Humphry Slocombe, Smitten, and San Francisco's legendary Ghiradelli Chocolate for a sugar-high only your dentist would warn you about.
Corn Textures & Foie Gras (Dominique Crenn)
Peach Split w/Creme Fraiche Ice Cream, Butterscotch & Rasberries (Emily Luchetti, Farallon)
Grilled Sourdough Ice Cream Sundae w/Concord Grape Syrup, Salted Brazil Nuts, Spanish peanuts & Chantilley (Elizabeth Falkner, Orson)
Smoked Vanilla Bean Parfait, with Cashew butter, fudge & marshmallows (Catherine Schimenti, Michael Mina)
The desserts were far from your standard old fashioned sundae or apple pie a la mode. In fact, the medley of chosen ingredients created a distinct individuality to each chef's personality and approach to cooking. The crowd, of seventy-five percent women (no surprise) were gleaming with joy while juggling cocktails or caffeinated beverages in one hand and confections in the other. There were also many in the crowd thrilled to have photo opps with these pastry star chefs who are usually hidden back of the house or untouchable on their television sets.
Blue Bottle Coffee Milk Shake w/Maple Whoopee Pie (Christine Law, Anchor & Hope)
Sugar Party chefs included Emily Luchetti (Farallon, Waterbar), Elizabeth Falkner (Orson, Citizen Cake), Luis Villavelazquez (Absinthe), Ethan Howard (Cavallo Point), Larissa Friesen (Ghirardelli), Dominique Crenn, Catherine Schimenti (Michael Mina), Nick Flores (RN74), Jean Francois Houdre (Westin St. Francis), Christine Law (Anchor & Hope), and William Werner.
Edited by Mika Takeuchi
Photos by Kara E. Murphy for Food Fashionista
I’m in sugar heaven. Food Fashionista I love your writing. “sugar high only your dentist would warn you about”
Beautiful photos and Lovely write up of the event Mika.
Thanks M & Carole!
The sweets are so beautiful. I want to go next year for sure if I am in San Francisco. I go to the NYC Festival during Fall but would love to come to this event next year and hope to meet you too.