Geisha Float – San Francisco, Japantown


Next time you are in the Bay Area, and craving something sweet, with a Japanese sensibility, head on over to San Francisco's Japantown for a Geisha Float. I've been eating, drinking, and slurping this part liquid, part condensed concoction for years and although I've noticed this parfait of sorts has shrunk in size in the last decade, I'm not really (okay, sort of) going to complain since this dessert would still be considered a generous XL size in Japan, for double the dough. #justification

The first layer consists of a Green Tea slush, followed with sweet red beans (azuki), and your choice of either vanilla or green tea ice cream. I usually opt for vanilla since it adds a creaminess when combined with the green tea icee. Chunks of small, vibrant colored, rectangular mochi are added before a top-off of whipped cream and a cherry.

And yes, they gave me two spoons, but no, I didn't share.


Murata's Cafe Hana

1737 Post St (between Buchanan St & Webster St)
San Francisco, CA 94115

Murata's Cafe Hana on Urbanspoon



1 Comment

  1. IZZY
    01/06/2011 / 2:16 pm


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