Chocolate Workshop with Hasty Torres


If you are in Southern California, and looking for something oh so sweet to do this weekend, we suggest the Madame Chocolate Workshop with chocolatier Hasty Torres in Beverly Hills. Come and learn about chocolate from a true expert, get insider tips, learn how to make a decadent chocolate treat and learn how to decorate and display your chocolate delights for your guests.

Guests of this workshop will begin their evening of chocolate with an hour to mix and mingle and enjoy light appetizers and drinks before taking part in the chocolate demonstration.

Madame chocolat

You will also be able to meet with the very lovely and talented Chocolatier Hasty Torres and ask her first hand questions about chocolate and tour her factory and boutique. A special discount will be offered to purchase Madame Chocolat products at the event.

You will also get to taste the Madame Chocolat collection of bonbons, signature hot chocolate, chocolate coated treats and chocolate chip cookies. This will truly be a night in chocolate heaven.




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